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Iranian army
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Military of Iran
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces Logistic
Armed Forces Branches

* Air Force
* Army
* Navy

Military Ranks
Air Force Ranks Insignia
Army Ranks Insignia
Navy Ranks Insignia
IRGC Ranks Insignia

- Defense Industries Organization
- Iran Aviation Industries Organization
- Military History
- Military history of Iran
- Military Expenditures

Dollars: $6.3 billion (2005)
Percent of GDP: 1.1% (2005)

Military Manpower

Active troops: 545,000 (8th)
Total troops: 12,285,000 (1st)

The Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran & include the IRIA , the IRGC , and the Police Force.

These forces total about 545,000 active personnel.[2] Both fall under the commands of the Ministry's of Defence & Armed Forces Logistics.

* The Islamic Republic of Iran Army consists of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army, Islamic Republic of Iran Navy, Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force. The regular armed forces have an estimated 420,000 personnel: the Islamic Republic of Iran Army, 350,000 personnel; the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy, 18,000 personnel; and the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force, 52,000 airmen.

* The Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution, or Revolutionary Guards, has an estimated 125,000 personnel in five branches: Its own Navy, Air Force, and Ground Forces; the Quds Force (Special Forces), and the Basij (militia).

The Basij (or Baseej) is a paramilitary volunteer force controlled by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards; it includes about 90,000 full-time, active-duty uniformed Basij members, up to 300,000 reservists, and a further 11 million men and women who could be mobilized.

Iran's Armed Forces capabilities are kept largely secret. In recent years, official announcements have highlighted the development of weapons such as the Fajr-3 (MIRV), Hoot, Kowsar, Fateh-110, Shahab-3 missile systems and a variety of unmanned aerial vehicles, at least one of which Israel claims has been used to spy on Israel. In 2006, Iran spied on the American aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan for 25 minutes without being detected before returning safely to its base.

Some western nations have alleged that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. The United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency, in its February 2006 report on Iran's nuclear programme, said it had no evidence of this.

Iran's military was called the Middle East's most powerful by General John Abizaid chief of United States Central Command (U.S. forces' commander in the region).

See detailed informations about iranian army on Global Security Organization website. CLICK HERE!

In this video, you will discover the power of Iran's actual army and maybe understand why Bush administration didn't insist for attacking Iran...

This other one is an extract from the 2006 Army Show of Iran, one week after some USA's army demonstrations in the Persian Gulf. This was maybe one of the most efficient answers of Iran during the nuclear crisis...

This last video shows Iranian 2007 army forces in action.


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